Report List (D to H)

Disbursable Report

Shows a list of payments ready to be disbursed. This report will not list any payments on hold, only payments that are available to pay. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Disbursed Report

Shows a list of payments that have been disbursed on the system. You can create this report for a specific time period, project, or Subcontractor. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Owners and Disbursing Agents can also generate this report. Contact your Textura Representative for more information.

TPA Enrollment Audit Report

Lists the Textura Payment Accelerator (TPA) enrollment status of all your Subcontractors. You can use this report to track the audit of enrollment and decline activity in the Textura Payment Accelerator (TPA) Program. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

TPA Funder Response Report

Provides a list of all progress claims and their relevant data which have been sent to the funder for a response (Fundable, Accepted, and Declined). The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

TPA Funding Reconciliation Report

Can be used by the Funder to balance the account used for funding on the system. It can also be used by Administrators to confirm the correct progress claims were marked as funded via the Textura Payment Accelerator program (TPA). The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

TPA Progress Claim Audit report

Shows the details of each progress claim enrolled in the Textura Payment Accelerator program. It captures the reason a progress claim was moved out of the Textura Payment Accelerator program (TPA). The following users can access this report: Title Company and Head Contractors.

Key Output Fields: Funding Organisation, Draw Number, Date Progress Claim Sent to Sub, Date Progress Claim Removed from TPA, Source of Removal, Removal Reason, and Removal Comment.

TPA Maturity Aging Report

Provides a list of all progress claims previously funded by the Funder. It shows when payments mature and when they will be recouped from the Head Contractor. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

TPA Maturity Reconciliation Report

Provides details about funds that have been removed from a Head Contractor's account to cover previously funded payments. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

TPA Performance Report

Provides a detailed list of projects participating in a Textura Payment Accelerator program (TPA). It shows Subcontractor TPA status, contact information, and funding history. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

TPA Revenue Report

Provides the details of funded progress claims including processing dates, Textura Payment Accelerator program (TPA) related fees, and the revenue amounts split between program partners. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

ERP Integration Receipts Report

Shows all records, with or without receipts, exported into a Head Contractor's SWS integration package. Head Contractors can use this report to identify missing records from their integration import. This is applicable only to clients on the SWS package. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

EWD Status Details Report

Is available to all Enterprise Wide Disbursers in the Head Contractor organisation. It records all the payments that were selected when you disbursed payments. It can be retrieved from the View Reports page.

Exported Records Report

Shows all exported data that was sent from TPM to an ERP system. This report is applicable only to HC organizations that have TexturaLink Cloud enabled. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and regular users assigned to a project.

Key Output Fields: Project Number, Record Type (specify which type of record: Progress Claim, Payment, Progress Claim Rejection), Progress Claim Type (Standard, Retention Release), Progress Claim Number, ERP Status, and ERP Message.

Filtered EWD Report

Shows a list of payments eligible for Enterprise Wide Disbursements.

Hours Worked Report

Shows the hours worked as reported by Subcontractors on the Hours Worked page. Subcontractors are only able to record Hours Worked if the project is set up with the Track Hours Worked project setting. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.