Variation Register Fields for Head Contractors

Summary Tile Fields

Original Contract Sum

The value of the subcontract as it was originally entered or imported into the application.

Approved Variations

The value of all variations that have been approved against the contract.

Contract Sum to Date

The total value original contract value plus any approved variations.

Requested Variations

The value of all variations that have been requested by the Subcontractor but have not been assessed yet, or have been imported from an accounting package with an unapproved status.

Proposed Contract Sum

The total value of the original contract and all variations, regardless of their status.

Request Data Fields


A unique sequence number assigned to a variation request by a Subcontractor.


The billing period that the variation was initially requested in.


The variation reference number, as entered by the Subcontractor.


A short description of the variation.


A long description of the variation. Some Subcontractors may use the same information in the description and title fields.

Attachment Indicator

When Subcontractors provide additional documentation to support a variation request, it is available by following the Attachments link. Head Contractors and Subcontractors can upload attachments, but they can only be deleted by the organisation that uploaded them.

Submitted Date

The date variation was initially requested by the Subcontractor.

Submitted Amount

The value the variation was initially requested for by the Subcontractor.

Unapproved Claims

The value of any payment requests submitted by Subcontractors against unapproved variations

Assessment Data

Approved Value

The total assessed value of the variation as received from your accounting system. If the variation has not been assessed in your accounting system, this field will be blank.


Displays whether the variation have been approved, rejected, or is awaiting assessment (submitted). Reject a variation outright in the system by selecting the status and then selecting Reject Variation Request.


The reference number provided by the accounting system. If the variation request has not been linked to an imported variation, this field will be blank. If a variation has been rejected in the system, this field will populate with the Subcontractor-entered number.

Private Comment

Comments here are only visible to other users within your organisation. To pass a comment on to a Subcontractor, enter it when creating the Payment Schedule.