Matching Variations

If variations are pending match, a Match Variations task will display on the Project Home page.

To match a variation imported from your accounting system or ERP on the Integration Home page:

  1. From the Project Home page, select the Match Variations task link.

    The Match Variations tab of the Variations page displays. It includes a list of all unallocated variations available for matching and a table of all Subcontractor variation requests.

  2. Optional. From the Contract drop-down list, select a different subcontract if the page defaulted to a subcontract which does not need a matched variation.
  3. From the list of unallocated imported variations, select a variation to match.


    • You can only select one imported variation at a time.
    • If you do not need to match additional variations on this list, you can select the Delete button in the Action column for the variation.
  4. From the Variation Requests table, select the tick box in the row for the Subcontractor's variation request you want to match to the variation you selected above. You can select one or more variation requests at a time to match to your selected imported variation.
  5. In the Approved Amount column of the Variation Requests table, enter the value of the variation you are approving. This is a mandatory step and you must enter an approved amount for each selected variation request before you can match it to your selected imported variation.
    • When you enter an approved amount different than the value the Subcontractor requested, the amount of the variation defaults to the value you entered.
    • You cannot approve multiple variation requests at a value greater than the selected imported variation.
  6. Optional. In the Private Comment column, enter a comment about the variation for your organisation. These private comments are only viewable by users within your Head Contractor organisation.
  7. Select the Match button.
    • A Success! message displays at the top of the page, confirming you matched the variation.
    • The matched variation becomes available in your Variation Register. Its status changes to Approved and the Approved Value column reflects the matched value.

      If you need to unmatch the variation, you can select the approval status on the Variation Register tab and then select Remove Variation Match. Your imported variation and the requested variation return to the variation list on the Match Variations tab.

    • After you match an imported variation to the Subcontractor's requested variation, you can no longer delete the imported variation.