Adding a New Business Classification at the Project Level

To add a new business classification to your project:

  1. From the Project Settings menu at the top of any page, select Setup Business Classifications.

    The Project Classifications page displays.

    Note: This option is displayed only if this feature has been enabled for your project.

  2. From the Project Classifications page, select the +Add... button.

    An Add Business Classification dialog box displays.

  3. In the dialog box, select the New tab.
  4. Enter a business classification label.
  5. (Optional) Add values. Defined Values can be assigned to individual contracts on your project.
    1. In the Value field, enter text.
    2. Select the + (plus) sign.

      The value will display in the text box.

  6. (Optional) Choose to allow "None" for tracking purposes. When you select this option, you signify you wish to track this business classification, but the classification is not required for your organisation.
  7. (Optional) Choose to require certificates to be attached in order for the business classification to apply to an organisation.
  8. Select Add.
    • The dialog box closes and a confirmation message confirms you successfully added the business classification.
    • The business classification displays in the table on the Project Classifications page. When you reload the page, the table will list business classifications in alphabetical order.