Setting a Business Classification Goal

To set a goal for a business classification from the Project Classifications page:

  1. From the Project Settings menu at the top of any page, select Setup Business Classifications.

    The Project Classifications page displays.

  2. From the Project Classifications page, select the gear icon in the line for the business classification to in need of a goal.
  3. Select Set Goals.

    A Set Goals dialogue box displays.

  4. In the dialogue box, enter a goal percentage for each value. The total goal percentage of these values cannot not exceed 100%.
  5. (Optional) Select the Track commitments at prime subcontractor level tick box to track individual goals for Prime Subcontractors and their Sub-Tiers working on a project.

    A table with all of your Subcontractors working on the project displays.

    • Choose whether to have a Subcontractor commit to a business classification goal.
    • Enter individual percentages for each committed goal. Each Subcontractor can have its own unique goal to achieve.
  6. Select Save.

    The dialogue box closes and a confirmation displays, confirming you updated a goal.