Placing an Organisation Level Hold

To place a manual organisation level hold:

  1. Access the Subcontracts by Organisation page for the organisation on which you will apply an organisation level hold.
  2. Use the auto-complete feature. When you start entering an organisation's name, auto-complete shows a drop-down list of matching organisations on the system.
  3. Select an organisation from the list to see the Subcontracts by Organisation page for that Subcontractor.
  4. From the Subcontracts by Organisation page, choose the Manage Organisation Level Hold link. A Manage Hold dialog displays.

    Note: Only Enterprise and Local Administrators can access the Manage Organisation Level Hold link.

  5. (Optional) Add a private note about the hold. Only other Administrators in your organisation will see the private comment when they choose the Manage Organisation Level Hold link.
  6. (Optional) Select the Notify Subcontractor tick box.

    Subcontractors will not know they are on an organisation level hold unless you choose Notify Subcontractor.

  7. (Optional) Enter a comment to include in the notification to the Subcontractor on hold.
  8. Choose the Hold button.

    The hold is placed on all contracts you have with the Subcontractor. An email will be sent, and a notification will display on the Subcontractor's Contract Status page.