Schedule Period Table Columns Overview


The number assigned to a period. Select the number on an open period to go to the Period Home page.


The name given to a period.


Displays the status of each period. Some statuses include:

Open: The period was initiated, and Subcontractors can submit progress claims for the billing period.

Drafted: The period is scheduled to initiate within the next five days.

Closed: The application enforces the period deadline, preventing Subcontractors from submitting late progress claims. When you schedule claims periods, you can choose to automatically close the period to Subcontractors based on progress claim status.

Submitted: Progress claims were approved by the Head Contractor and are now ready for authorisation and disbursement.

Completed: The period process concluded and the funding organisation disbursed funds to all included participants.


Displays the date a period was or will be initiated. You can select the calendar icon in the column to change the initiation date for any drafted or scheduled periods.

Included Subcontracts

Open and drafted periods show the number of Subcontractor participants invited to the period. Select the link to go to the Manage Period Participants page if you need to add or remove participants.

You can use the drop-down list in rows for scheduled periods to change which Subcontractors to include in the period.

Period Start

Displays the date the period period begins. Select the calendar icon to update the date for any period.

Period End

Displays the date the period ends. Select the calendar icon to update the date for any period.

Period Due

Displays the date Subcontractor participants should submit their progress claims for the period. Select the calendar icon to update the date for any period.

Close Period

Displays the date the period closes for participants. After this date, participants will no longer be able to submit their progress claims if the period closes to them. Select the calendar icon to update the date for any period.

Close for Subcontracts

Select how the application behaves when a period closes. By default, the period will not automatically close to included participants. You can use the drop-down menu to choose to automatically close the period to everyone, or participants who have progress claims with either an Awaiting or Rejected status.