Initiate Period Fields

(Optional) View Informational Fields

The table on the Initiate Period page includes contract and organisational details. These are not editable.

SC (subcontract number)

Subcontract number or purchase order number and contract description. If the column includes ellipses (…), hover over the subcontract number to display the full contract description.

Organisation Name

Name of the Subcontractor participating on a project.

Specified Billing

Select the Specified Billing option in the row for an organisation to take control of Subcontractor billing. When Subcontractors are on Specified Billing, you will enter their payment application amounts for the period.

Turning on the Specified Billing setting when initiating a period will automatically turn the setting on for all following periods. If you do not want to control the Subcontractor's progress claim in the future, you can turn off this setting. You can turn off the Specified Billing setting from the Initiate Period, Manage Period Participants, and Contract Maintenance pages.

Contract Amount

Total amount of the subcontract.

Billed to Date

Amount approved against contract to date (changes based on Period Context).

Remaining Balance

Amount left to claim on the contract (the total amount of work outstanding on the contract)

Retention Balance

Total retention held on the contract.

(Optional) Filter Participants

Choose to filter participants by Organisation Details or Contract Details.

Period From

The starting date for the billing period.

Period To

The bill-through date for all claimed amounts in the Period.

Note: Both Period From and Period To dates appear on pay application documents

Claim Due Date

Verify or modify the Claim Due Date—the date Subcontractors claims are due. The date defaults to three days after the period is initiated, may be changed, and does not automatically trigger the closing of the period.

Progress Billing Only

Limit the Subcontractor's billing to progress ONLY.

Retention Billing Only

Limit the Subcontractor's billing to retention ONLY.

Progress and Retention

Allow the Subcontractor to bill for progress and retention.

Lock Progress claim

Although there is a box to lock the progress claim, changes made to this field will not be applied to Australian projects.

Retention %

Although there is a box for retention %, changes made to this field will not be applied to Australian projects.

The value listed in the Retention % column is the value that will be held based on the contract's current completion.

For example: On a contract that is holding 10% retention until the contract is 50% complete (and 5% is held in total retention):

Retention Lock (Optional)

Lock retention to prevent Subcontractors from requesting or changing retention held while entering their progress claim. In the Retention Lock column, choose the Select All tick box to lock retention for all invited Subcontractors. Choose a tick box in an organisation's row to lock retention on a single contract.

Note: Subcontractors cannot manually bill for retention when retention is locked at period initiation.