Working with the Manage Claims Page

Working With the Manage Claims Page for Head Contractors

  1. Progress Claim Buttons:
    • (Optional) Add a Comment: Use the text box to add the reason you are rejecting the progress claim. This message is included in the rejection email sent to the Subcontractor. If multiple progress claims are selected for rejection, all selected organisations receive this comment.
    • (Optional) Reject Selected: Choose to reject selected invoices.
  2. Status column: The progress claim status.
    • Awaiting: Claim has not been received
    • Received: Claim has been received and can be modified and approved
    • Editing: Progress claim is being modified by an approver
    • Approved: Progress claim has been approved.

    For projects using the Request Variations feature, there are two additional statuses:

    • Unmatched: Claim has been received and there are claims against variations that have been requested, but are not accounted for in your ERP
    • Overbilled: Claim has been received and there are claims against variations that exceed the approved value of the variation.

    Hover over the Status column and choose the Edit Progress Claim Details link in the dialogue to go to the Modify Contractor Progress Claim page to make changes to claimed amounts.

    Note: If the claim does not need to be modified and you are the next Approver, use the Approve Payment Schedule X of Y link to go straight to the Sign Documents page.

    See the Signing Claims and Period Documents topic.

  3. View Period Documents

    Hover over the View link in the Documents column to see period documents for a claim.

    Links to the documents display in a dialogue box.

  4. View Contract: Choose the contract number, listed in the Contract column, to see the Contract Status page. View comments associated with the contract from the Contract Comments column.

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