Modifying Payment Option

Use the Edit Payment Status page to update the method used to pay an organisation.

  1. Navigate to the Edit Payment Status Page
  2. From the Payment Options section, select from one of the available payment methods.
    • EFT—An electronic payment made using Electronic Funds Transfer
    • Manual Cheque—A manual cheque sent to the Subcontractor outside the system
    • TPA—An electronic payment provided from a third party Funder
  3. From the Confirm Payment Method Update dialogue box, use the Reason drop-down menu to select a reason for the payment method change. If you selected Other, enter a reason for the change in the text box.
  4. Select Confirm.


    • The current payment method can be seen in the Progress Claim Remaining Balance section. The TPA Payment Method cannot be selected once another payment option is selected.
    • ATL disbursers and owners disbursing funds to Head Contractors can use the Edit Payment Status page to switch payment option for individual HC progress claims from EFT to Manual Cheque. The change will not affect On System Sub-Tiers. Signed statutory declaration documents are removed when the HC's progress claim is switched to Manual Cheque payment option.