Working with Enterprise Wide Disbursement Page

Working with the Australasian Enterprise Disbursement Page

  1. Disburse Selected button: Select to disburse funds for all selected rows. A Confirm Disbursement dialogue box displays the number of payments and total amount selected for disbursement.
  2. Actions Menu: Includes additional actions available on the Enterprise Wide Disbursement page.
    • Notify Team of Pending Disbursements: Selecting this option opens a Notify Project Team of Pending Disbursement dialogue box. Enter text in the available field to provide a message about the disbursements to the project team. The application sends the message to all users assigned a role on any project for which a payment is selected.
    • Download All Payments: Select this option to download a CSV file containing information on all payments across all project.
    • Download Selected Payments: Select this option to download a CSV file containing information on only payments you selected from the table.
  3. View: Select from one of the following:
    • All Payments: The Enterprise Wide Disbursement page shows all disbursable payments across all projects.
    • Selected Payments: The Enterprise Wide Disbursement page shows all disbursable payments that have an Owner Funding Date.
  4. Payment Table: Lists disbursable payments. This table can be customised.
    • Select: Choose payments to disburse.
    • Edit: Access the Edit Payment Status page.
    • Project Number: The project number for the project with available disbursements. Select a number in this column to access the Project Home page.
    • Project Name: The name of the project with available disbursements. Select a project name in this column to access the Project Home page.
    • Authoriser's Name: When applicable, lists the name of the project member who authorised payment.
    • Current Payment: The net payment due to the Subcontractor, including retention, tax, and discounts, if applicable.
    • Contract Comment: Comments associated with the contract. This comment is also displayed on the Contract Maintenance, Edit Payment Status, and Contract Status pages. See the Adding Contract Comments and Draw Comments help topic for instructions on leaving a comment.
    • Draw Comment: Comments associated with a specific draw. This comment also displays on the Authorise Payments, Manage Period Payments, Edit Payment Status pages. See the Adding Contract Comments and Draw Comments help topic for instructions on leaving a comment.
    • Cheque Number: The Cheque number. This field displays the value that was entered on the Edit Payment Status page.
    • Paid Date: The date the cheque was paid. This field displays the value that was entered on the Edit Payment Status page.
    • Discount: When a project uses discounts, this column shows the dollar value of a discounted payment.
    • Period: The period related to the payment available for disbursement.
    • Period Due Date: The date Subcontractor progress claims were due.
    • Period Name: The name of a period with disbursable payments.
    • Final: Indicates whether the payment is for a final period.
    • Funding Account: The account number of the organisation disbursing funds.
    • Funding Organisation: The name of the organisation disbursing funds.
    • Progress Claim Number: The number of the progress claim ready for disbursement.
    • Last Progress Claim Approver: The name of the project member who last approved the progress claim.
    • Last Owner Funding Date: The most recent date a project received Owner funding.
    • Net Progress Claim: The progress claim amount after retention. This is not the payment amount, which may have other adjustments such as tax or discounts.
    • Organisation: The Subcontractor Organisation to be paid.
    • Owner Funding Amount: The total amount of funds available through Owner Funding.
    • Owner Funding Comment: An optional comment included with Owner funding.
    • Payment Due Date: When applicable, displays the date by which you need to disburse funds.
    • Payment Type: Displays the type of payment selected for disbursement. Payment types may include EFT, cheque, or TPA.
    • Period To Date: The end date for the period.
    • Retention Released: The total value of retention released during this period.
    • Subcontract: The subcontract number for the Subcontractor to receive payment. Select the contract number in the column to navigate to the Contract Status page for the subcontract.
    • Tax: The total monetary value of taxes on the payment.
    • Vendor ID: A number assigned in an accounting package to identify the Subcontractor.
    • % Complete: Displays the % complete for the subcontractors
    • Disbursed Previously: Displays the previously disbursed amount for the subcontractors.
  5. Controls:
    • Reset Filters: Use the Reset Filters link to remove any search criteria applied to the Payment Detail table.
    • Configure Columns : Choose columns to view in a table.
  6. Filtered Totals: Displays payment information based on the current filter. These totals also include the total monetary value of EFT and TPA payments. If your organization has selected the Manual Check Payment Settings, the total will include EFT, cheque, and TPA payments.

Not Pictured:

(Optional) Print Period Documents

View and print period documents related to a specific progress claim directly from the Enterprise Wide Disbursement page.

  1. From the Progress Claim Number column of the table, select a progress claim number.

    A PDF document downloads to your computer.

  2. From your PDF reader, choose to print the packet.