Reassigning Sub-Tier Subcontracts

As a Project Manager, use the Contract Maintenance page to reassign a contract before a Sub-Tier accepts it.

For example: Reassign a contract if it is linked to a duplicate or an incorrect organisation.

Note: You cannot reassign accepted contracts.

To reassign a contact from the Contract Maintenance page:

  1. Navigate to the Contract Maintenance Page
  2. From the Contract Maintenance page, select Edit Settings.

    An Edit Settings dialogue box displays.

  3. Choose Reassign Organisation.

    An organisation field opens.

    Note: The Reassign Organisation button does not appear on accepted contracts.

  4. Use the auto-complete feature.

    When you start typing, a list of matching organisations displays.

    Note: If a name does not appear in the drop-down list, you may need to send an invitation for that organisation to use the system.

  5. Choose Save Changes.

    A Status page confirms changes have been saved, and an email notification is sent to both the new and the removed organisation.

    • The contract will save with an incomplete status if you remove an organisation without adding a new one or add an off-system organisation.
    • Failing to save changes returns the contract to its original state.