Document Settings for Owners

Head contractor controls document settings

Select this option to have the Head Contractor choose which documents both their own organisation and Subcontractor organisations need to sign when submitting a progress claim.

Show all documents

Select this option to show all documents available on the application. These include documents which are not in the same country as your bank.

Head Contractor

Identify documents the Head Contractor must submit to the Project Owner.

Progress Claim

Defaults to G702/703 .


Defaults to None.

Statutory Declaration

Defaults to None.

Witness Required?

Select if a document requires a witness signature.

Payment Schedule

Defaults to None.

Self-Performed (SP) Work Progress Claim

Defaults to None.


Identify documents Subcontractors must submit to the Head Contractor.

Progress Claim

Defaults to G702/703.


Defaults to None.

Statutory Declaration

Defaults to None.

Witness Required?

Select if a document requires a witness signature.

Payment Schedule

Defaults to None.

Payment Schedule

Defaults to G702/G703 payment schedule.

Sub Tier / Manual Sub

Statutory Declaration

Defaults to Generic.