Working with Import Jobs Tab

Working With the Import Jobs Tab AUS HC

The following page elements are displayed on the Import Jobs tab:

  1. Accounting package name: The name of your accounting package.
  2. Import Jobs Tab: Select this tab to view your import jobs and to start an import.
  3. Export Jobs Tab: Select tab to view your export jobs and to start an export.
  4. Import Button: Select the button to start an import.
  5. Filters( Saved Filters and Reset Filter): From the Select Filters drop-down, select from your saved filters. To filter, type or select your filter parameters from the filter row. Select Reset Filters, to reset your filters.
  6. Import Jobs Grid: Displays the import jobs based on the selected filter criteria. Use the filter row to type or select your filter the table.
  7. Gear Menu: Hover over the job number to view the Gear icon. From the Gear icon you can perform the following actions: Retry Import, View Job Results, and View Import File.