Declining to Claim for Subcontractors

Decline to claim if no work was completed in the period.

  1. Navigate to your Billing Workflow for Subcontractors

    Depending on project and period settings, you will see the Stored Materials, Progress, or Retention tab.

  2. From your Billing Workflow, select the Decline to Claim button.

    A dialogue box displays.

  3. In the dialogue box, enter a reason for declining to claim.
  4. Select the Decline button.
    • The application navigates to the Project Home page and a message confirms you successfully declined to claim for the period.
    • The Head Contractor, the Subcontractor, and any Sub-Tiers receive an email that shows the Subcontractor declined to claim. It includes the reason entered in the Decline to Claim dialogue box.

      Caution: There is no undoing this step. If you choose to decline to claim, all changes are lost and you are immediately removed from the period. If you have inadvertently declined to claim this period, contact your Head Contractor to re-invite you to claim for the period.