Reviewing your Billing and Proceeding to Signing for Subcontractors

To review and continue to signing your period documents:

  1. Navigate to your Billing Workflow for Subcontractors
  2. Select the Review tab.
  3. From the Billing Summary card, review your billing summary.
  4. Enter a claim number. This is a required field and you cannot proceed to signing without it.
  5. Select the tick box for your security of payment act.

    Note: The label of this tick box changes depending on your territory and the payment act in affect. For example, if you are located in New South Wales, the tick box will say, "Claim under Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999." The Building and Construction Industry Act is also applicable if you are located in New Zealand.

  6. Optional. Select No, take me to billing values to continue modifying your claim amounts on previous tabs in your Billing Workflow.

    Unable to send your progress claim to the Signer?

    If Oracle failed to collect your usage fee for this contract, your organisation will be blocked from signing billing documents. For more information on usage fee failures and how to fix them, see Usage Fee Failures.

  7. Select the Yes, proceed to signing button.
    • The application notifies the Signer that there are documents ready for signing.
    • If you are the Signer, a Sign Billing Documents card displays. You will use this and additional cards to access DocuSign to sign all period documents, including statutory declarations.