Bypassing Electronic Witnessing When Signing a Document

If a Head Contractor enables the electronic witness bypass workflow, you can skip the electronic witnessing step when signing a document which needs witnessing on TPM. Instead, you will scan and upload an image of your document signed and witnessed in the traditional pen and paper way after you complete your signing process.

To bypass electronic witnessing while signing a document:

  1. Navigate to your Billing Workflow for Subcontractors
  2. From the Review tab, select the Sign Billing Documents button.

    If the document requires witnessing, there will be a section for your electronic witness to add their sign in credentials. When a project allows the electronic witnessing bypass workflow, you will see a message displayed at the bottom of the witness login card explaining the process.

  3. Select the I would like to bypass electronic witnessing link.

    A Bypass Electronic Witnessing dialogue box displays.

  4. In the dialogue box, select Ok.
    • You will see a message explaining why a hold may be placed.
    • The dialogue box closes.
    • The page refreshes. It no longer includes a Witness login section.
    • You will need to follow these steps for each document which requires witnessing.
    • Since you bypassed the electronic witness step, you will need to upload your witnessed document.
  5. Continue your signing process.