Managing Organisation Level Rejection Responses

Use the My Organisation Settings page to view, create, or modify rejection responses across all projects in which the organisation participates. These rejection responses will be displayed for Progress Claim Approvers to use when approving or rejecting a progress claim. In addition to organisation level rejection responses, Project Managers can also create custom rejection responses to uses for a specific project. For more information on selecting or creating project level responses, see topic Customising Project Level Progress Claim Rejection Responses.

Your access to the settings is dependent upon user roles and permissions.

To create or edit organisation-level rejection responses:

  1. Navigate to the My Organisation Settings Page.
  2. Select the Manage Rejection Responses check box. A Manage Rejection Responses pane displays.
  3. Select the type of rejection responses you want to add or modify: Progress Claim Rejection Text, Good Faith Statement, or WB Line Modification Text. Hover over the ? icon for more information on how each type of rejection response is used.
  4. Enter the rejection text.
  5. Select Save.