Reports List (A to C)

All Users by Project Report

Shows a list of users and their roles on projects. The following users can generate this report: all Enterprise Administrators and all Local Administrators. Contact your Textura representative for more information.

All Users With Roles Report

Shows a list of users and the permissions enabled on their user accounts. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators and all Local Administrators.

Attachments Report

Shows all progress claim and variation attachments. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and all Regular Users assigned to a project.

Awaiting Submission Report

Shows a list of subcontractors invited to the period who have not yet submitted a progress claim. You can choose the project, period, or subcontract to include in this report. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Contact your Textura representative for more information.

Compliance Audit Report

Shows a list of compliance status changes across claim periods, subcontracts, and projects. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and all Regular Users assigned to a project.

Compliance Status Report

Shows a view of the status of compliance requirements for a Head Contractor's Subcontractors. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Contact your Textura representative for more information.