Home for Subcontractors

The Home Page is the starting point for a Subcontractor who logs in to the system.

Note:  This is the traditional starting point for a user on the system. If you toggled the Always see Tasks first option to blue, the Tasks page will appear instead of the Home Page.

Administrative Tasks

Pending Administrative Tasks display at the top of the page, below the Administrative Tasks label.

Note: Each item links to the listed action.

Recently Viewed Projects

The four most recently accessed projects display under a Recently Viewed Projects section. Each project tile includes the project name and the project number.

Select a tile to easily navigate to a recent project.

Project List

Project information displays in a table beneath the Recently Viewed Projects section.

Sort Projects

Choose the  symbol in a column to sort projects in descending order by that column, or choose the Δ symbol to sort in ascending order. Projects sort by the My Projects column when the page first loads.

Note:  Hover the cursor over a column header to see the sort arrows.

Find Projects

Each column includes a search filter.

Projects Table

If you have View All Organisation Projects permissions, the page may include an Other Projects view. This view includes a table with for projects on which you do not have a role. Both the My Projects and Other Projects views include the following columns: