Promote Subcontractor Billings Overview for Subcontractors

As a Prime Subcontractor, use Promote Subcontractor Billing to automatically roll up the Sub-Tier's billing into your Payment Application (including retention) on the system.

Why Use Promote Subcontractor Billings?

Promotion of Approved Subcontractor Billings

Use the Promotion of Approved Subcontractor Billings setting to select how Sub-Tier billings are calculated in the Subcontractor's Payment Application.


This option is helpful in instances where mixed units and prices are used.
For example: Use this option when unit priced Sub-Tier line items are rolled up to a lump sum Subcontractor line.


This option is helpful if the Sub-Tier is billing quantities at different rates from you. This option will carry the total of all approved quantities to your component where the price will be calculated by your unit price.