Uploading Backup Documents

To upload a file to the Attachments page:

  1. Navigate to the Attachments Page
  2. From the Attachments page, choose the Add... button.

    An Upload Payment Application Attachments dialogue box displays.

  3. In the dialogue box, select a contract from the drop-down list.
  4. Select a period from the drop-down list.
  5. Select the ellipses (...) button and choose a file to upload. You can choose to upload either one or several documents.
  6. (Optional) Select the Classified option to classify the document.

    Selecting the Classified option classifies all documents uploaded to the dialogue box.

    Note: Only a user with the Manage Classified Attachments permission can view, declassify, or delete a classified file.

  7. Enter a description for the document.

    This description applies to all documents uploaded to the dialogue box.

  8. Select the Upload button.
  9. Describe the document in the Description field.
  10. Choose Submit.

    The file appears name displays in the table on the Attachments page.


A file must be uploaded separately for each period. So, if a document covers two periods, it must be uploaded twice. You can use the period drop-down to change the period.