Recording Payments to Sub-Tiers

To record your payment information to Sub-Tier Subcontractors:

  1. Navigate to your Billing Workflow for Subcontractors
  2. From your Billing Workflow, select the Record Sub-Tiers tab.

    Note: If the period does not include payments to Sub-Tier Subcontractors or Suppliers, select Proceed to confirm that you are not adding suppliers to a project before selecting the Save & Continue button to move on to the next step in the workflow.

  3. (Optional) Add Sub-Tier Subcontractors and Suppliers. Include all Suppliers and organisations you are going to pay through the project.
    1. Select Add New Sub Tier.

      A dialogue box opens.

    2. In the dialogue box, enter the name of the Sub-Tier in the Organisation Name field.


      • If your Suppliers are required to sign VAT invoices on the system, use the auto-complete feature.
      • When you start entering an organisation's name, auto-complete shows a drop-down list of matching organisations on the system.
    3. Enter Location information.

      Required Fields:

      • Country
      • City
      • County
      • Postal Code
      • Phone Number
      • Tax ID


      • Address
      • Contact Name
    4. Select Save.

      Organisation information displays in a table on the Record Sub-Tiers tab. If location is editable, you can select the pencil icon in the table to make changes.

  4. Select an organisation.
  5. In the Service field, enter a description for the services the Sub-Tier provided.
  6. In the Contract Amount field, enter the total expected value of the Sub-Tier's contracted services.
  7. In the Current Payment field, enter a payment amount.

    If you are entering payment for a VAT Invoice Only Sub-Tier (VAT Sub), this payment amount will display on their VAT Invoice when they are prompted to sign it.

  8. Confirm that the amounts are correct, and select the Save & Continue button to progress to the next step of your Billing Workflow.

    Note: The payment application is not submitted for payment until it is signed. Final payment applications must be signed by the Subcontractor in order to be included in a period.

Informational Fields

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