Variations Fields for Main Contractors


The vendor contract number that displays on a Subcontractor's payment application document. Select the subcontract number in a table row to go to the Contract Status page for the related subcontract. This column only displays on the Subcontract Variations tab.


The name of the Subcontractor organisation on the application. This column only displays on the Subcontract Variations tab.


A number assigned to the created variation. Select the number in a table row to edit a variation. This column displays on both tabs.


A name given to the created variation. The name can contain letters, numbers, and special characters. Select the name in a table row to edit a variation. This column displays on both tabs.


The reason you added the variation. This column displays on both tabs.


The period in which the variation takes effect. This column displays on both tabs.

Created Date

The date you added the variation on the application. This column displays on both tabs.

Variation Date

The date the variation should affect the Work Breakdown (WB). Variation dates are mostly used for accounting purposes. This column displays on both tabs.


A positive or negative monetary change applied to the contract. This column displays on both tabs.


States if a variation is hidden or hidden from the Owner. This column only displays on the My Variations tab.

Compliance Status

Displays whether a Subcontractor variation is compliant. This column only displays on the Subcontract Variations tab if the project tracks variation compliance. Variation compliance statuses include:

This column only displays on the Subcontract Variations tab.

Paper Clip Icon (Attachments)

Shows the number of attachments linked to a variation. Select the icon to upload or view an uploaded document. This column displays on both tabs.

Recycling Bin Icon (Delete)

Delete an unallocated variation. This column displays on both tabs.