Submitting a Subcontractor Payment Application without Subcontractor Participation

Under certain circumstances, as a Main Contractor, you may need to submit, approve, and disburse payment for a Subcontractor payment application without Subcontractor involvement. Use the Bypass subcontractor signature on payment application contract setting to remove the need for a Subcontractor to sign a payment application as part of the Specified Billing workflow.

To modify and approve a Subcontractor payment application without needing a Subcontractor signature:

  1. From the Subcontracts menu at the top of any project page, select Subcontract List.

    The Subcontract List page displays.

  2. From the Subcontract List page, select the edit link for the subcontract belonging to the Subcontractor whose billing you will control.

    The Contract Maintenance page displays.

  3. From the Contract Maintenance page, select the Edit Settings button.
  4. Select the Use Specified Billing setting.
  5. Select the Bypass subcontractor signature on payment application setting.
  6. Select the Save Changes button.
  7. Initiate a period, and include the Subcontractor.
  8. From the Project Home page, select the Specify payment application link.

    Your Billing Workflow displays. Project and period settings determine which tabs you see at the top of the page.

  9. If the period allows progress billing, enter billing information on the Progress tab.
    • In the Work This Period column, enter an amount to bill.

      The value in the % Completed column updates in response to the value of work completed.

    • In the % Completed column, enter a number to bill based on percentage of work completed.

      The value in the Work This Period column updates in response to the percentage of work completed.

    • In the Material Stored This Period field, enter a monetary value for material stored between the Period From and Period To dates.
  10. Select the Send & Continue button.

    The Retention tab displays.

  11. (Optional) From the Retention tab, request previously held retention as a part of your billing this period.
  12. Select the Save & Continue button.

    The Review tab displays.

  13. Select the Save & Submit button.
    • The Payment Application status changes to Received on the Manage Payment Applications page.
    • You can now modify and approve the payment application so you can disburse funds.