Generate Document Archive Table Fields Overview

Document Type

The type of document. Some possible document types include: Attachment, Compliance, and VAT invoice. Use the filter in the first line of the table to choose which document types you want to see populating the table.


The name of the organisation that submitted the document. Use the filter in the first row to search for documents belonging to a specific organisation.


The contract number related to the submitted document. Use the filter in the first row to search for documents related to a specific contract number.

Submitted By

The name of the user who submitted the listed document. Use the filter in the first row to search for documents submitted by a specific user.

Submitting Organisation

The organisation that submitted the listed document. Use the filter in the first row to search for documents submitted by a specific organisation.

Vendor ID

A number or code used to identify an organisation. Use the filter in the first row to search for documents submitted by an organisation with a specific Vendor ID.


The period number when the listed document was submitted. Use the filter in the first row to filter the table to show documents submitted during specific, selected period.

Period Created

The date when the Main Contractor initiated a period. Use the filter in the first row to filter the table to show documents submitted during a period with a specific period initiation date.

Subcontract Of

The name of the Prime Subcontractor or Main Contractor who issued the subcontract a Sub-Tier or Subcontractor organisation. Use the filter in the first row to search for documents submitted by organisations with a specific parent organisation.


When available, shows additional information about a document.

For example: VAT invoices will show if the submitted document is a Progress or Final declaration or if it is unapproved. Compliance documents will show the compliance requirement name in this column.


The file extension type of the submitted document. Use the filter in the first row to filter documents by selected file types.


The name of the submitted file. Use the filter in the first row to search for a specific file by its name.