Setting Up a Period Schedule

To set up a period schedule:

  1. Navigate to the Period Schedule Page
  2. From the Schedule Periods page, select the +Schedule Periods... button.

    A Schedule Periods dialogue box opens.

  3. In the dialogue box, use the calendar widget to select a date for your first scheduled period.
  4. Select a time to end scheduled periods.


    • Select the total number of periods to schedule
    • Select a specific end date.
  5. Select Next.
  6. From the Period Start drop-down list, select when each period should begin.
  7. From the Period End drop-down list, select when each period should end.
  8. From the Open Periods drop-down list, select when to open and invite participants to a period.

    If you choose to open periods on a specific day of the month, you will also need to manually type the date of the day in the available field.

  9. From the Periods Due drop-down list, select when you expect period participants to submit their payment applications.

    If you choose a period due date on a specific day of the current or next month, you will also need to manually type the date of the day in the available field.

  10. From the Close Period drop-down list, select when to close a period for period participants.

    If you choose to close periods on a specific day of the current or next month, you will also need to manually type the date of the day in the available field.

  11. Select Next.
  12. From the Included Subcontractors drop-down list, select which Subcontractors you would like to include in future, scheduled periods.
  13. From the Close for Subcontracts drop-down list, select whether the period will close automatically for Subcontractor period participants on your selected period close date.
  14. Select the Schedule button.
    • The dialogue box closes and a message displays, confirming you successfully scheduled your periods.
    • All scheduled periods display in a table on the Schedule Periods page.
    • Five days before the initiation date, a period will shift to the Draft status. It will appear as drafted on the Period Home page until it is initiated.