Signing Documents

Sign Payment Application

  1. From either the Project Home or Tasks page, select the Sign Payment Application for Period link.

    The Review tab in the Billing Workflow displays.

  2. Under the Billing Summary card, review the totals. To make changes, select the Re-enter Payment Application or Edit Billing button.
  3. From the Sign Billing Documents card, select the Sign Billing Documents button. The document opens in the DocuSign portal.

    If your documents require optional fields, an Enter Optional Fields dialogue box displays.

  4. (Optional) In the Enter Optional Fields dialogue box, complete the fields required for your documents.

    For Example: If your project uses the Allow VAT Codes to be overridden project setting, you can allocate the Net Payment Application amount among the VAT rates to achieve the desired VAT amount for this payment application in this dialogue box. Select Save Changes.

  5. Select the Save button.

    All documents requiring a signature open up in a DocuSign portal. Instructions appear at the top of the page.

  6. From the top of the DocuSign page, select the Continue button.
  7. (Optional) Select Start to help guide you through the signing process. Each time you apply your signature, a blue tab helps direct you towards the next step.
  8. Select the highlighted area in the document to apply your signature.
  9. Continue through all of your documents, applying your signature to all highlighted fields.
  10. After you apply your signature to all of the highlighted areas, select the Finish button at the top of the page.

    Note: If your documents require notarisation, the Sign Document page will display again. An electronic notary must complete the notary steps before you can submit your signed documents.

    A Next Steps dialogue box displays, confirming you finished signing your documents and displays your next tasks.

Signing VAT Invoices

  1. If you need to sign VAT Invoices, the Review tab displays with the Sign VAT Invoices card.
  2. From the Sign VAT Invoices card, select the Sign VAT Invoicesbutton.
  3. From the Sign Document page, select the Sign VAT Invoice button.

    The VAT invoice document opens in a DocuSign portal.

  4. Follow steps six through ten to sign the VAT invoice.

    When you finish, a Status page displays, confirming you finished signing your document and sent your payment application forward for approval.

(Optional) Re-Enter Payment Application

The Re-Enter Payment Application button is available for payment applications and documents.

Note: If you re-enter the payment application, any signatures on the application are removed. All documents must be re-signed when the payment application is resubmitted.