Working with the Home Page for Main Contractors

  1. Administrative Tasks: Pending tasks you should consider performing. Most items disappear when executed. Manage Owner Funding and TPA Maturity Payment actions will permanently display.
  2. Enterprise Wide Disbursement: Displays when users are assigned the Disburse Enterprise Wide Funds permission. The table includes the total payment count, total payment amount, and a link to the Enterprise Wide Disbursement page. If a project is enrolled in a TPA, the Enterprise Wide Disbursement column will also include the number of TPA eligible and EFT eligible payments. If your organisation has selected the Manual Cheque Payment Settings, the Cheque Count and Cheque Amount columns are displayed.
  3. Recently Viewed Projects: The four most recently accessed projects display under a Recently Viewed Projects section. Each project tile includes the project name and the project number. Select a tile to easily navigate to a recent project.
  4. Project List: A table of projects linked to your organisation. View project names, project numbers, segment IDs, number of outstanding tasks, and project status.
    • My Projects: List projects on which you are assigned a role.
    • Other Projects: Displays if you are assigned the View All Organisation Projects permission. You do not have a role on these projects.
  5. Add Project: Users with Create Project permissions can select the Add Project button to open an Add Project dialog box.