Adding a VAT Invoice for On-System Subcontractors

To add a VAT Invoice for an On-System Sub-Tier from the Edit Sub-Tier page:

  1. Navigate to the Edit Sub-Tier Page
  2. From the Project drop-down list, select the project related to the Sub-Tier that needs an uploaded VAT Invoice.

    Once you select a project, the Contract drop-down list populates with existing subcontracts.

  3. From the Contract drop-down list, select a contract.
  4. Select the Choose File button.

    A File Upload dialogue box displays.

  5. From the dialogue box, select a file.

    You can only upload non-encrypted PDF files.

  6. Save the dialogue box to return to the Edit Sub-Tier page.

    Note: You can only upload one VAT Invoice to the Subcontractor. If you need to upload a different file, first delete the existing document.