Deleting Uploaded VAT Invoices

Prime Subcontractor Warning: Only Main Contractors can delete a VAT Invoice they uploaded. If the Main Contractor uploaded a VAT Invoice for your Sub-Tier, and you want to replace it, you will need to contact the Main Contractor.

To delete an uploaded VAT Invoice from the Manage VAT Invoices or Manage VAT Invoices by Period page:

  1. Either:
    • Navigate to the Manage VAT Invoices Page
    • Navigate to the Manage VAT Invoices by Period Page
  2. Select the View link.

    A View Sub-Tier VAT Invoice dialogue box appears.

  3. Choose the red X to delete the uploaded file.

    The dialogue box confirms the attachment was deleted.

  4. Choose the Close button.

    The dialogue box closes and the View link changes to an Upload link.


    • The red X appears only for VAT Invoices with a status of either Resubmit or Unapproved.
    • The Resubmit status appears only after the VAT Invoice has been rejected.