Reports list (Q to W)

Quality Surveyor Assessment of the Payment Application Report

The Quantity Surveyor Assessment of the Payment Application report helps you track what the subcontractor has entered as an application for a particular period, including items such as quantity values and retention. It also pinpoints the difference, on a line by line basis, between the Main Contractors application entered and what the Quantity Surveyor has recommended based on that. The following users can access this report: All Enterprise Administrators, All Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Stored Materials Report

Lists stored materials details for a selected project and period combination. This report simulates the Stored Materials Log. The information is separated by contract. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Sub Component Listing Report

Lists Work Breakdown (WB) components. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Key Output Fields: Payment Application, Payment Application Exported, Date Disbursed, Textura Transaction Number, Vendor ID, and Subcontract.

Sub WB Line Item By Period Report

Shows every Subcontractor Work Breakdown (WB) line item for a payment application period. All Subcontractors are listed in the report, even those who were not included in the period or did not bill for the period. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Title Companies and Owners can also generate this report. Contact your Textura representative for more information.

Subcontract Component Listing Report (Grouped by Subcontractor)

Use the Subcontract Component Listing Report (Grouped by Subcontractor) to compare billing amounts against each component. When comparing billing amounts, you can see if the listed component is a part of the original Work Breakdown or if it was edited through a variation. This report is similar to the Subcontractor Component Listing Report, but the output groups information by subcontract. The following users can access this report: All Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and all Regular Users assigned to a project.

Owners can also generate this report if the Main Contractor has enabled the Allow access to subcontractor budget information (Open Book) setting, or if the Owner chooses to run the report on a project they created. Contact your Textura representative for more information.

Key Output Fields: Original Contract, Variations, Revised Contract, Sub Job, Account Code, Payment Application Number, Gross Payment Application, Retention Held.

Subcontract Payment Application Status Report

Shows Payment Application information and status for the Payment Application approval workflow. You can choose the project, period, or subcontract to include in this report. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Subcontract Reconciliation Report

A summary of the amount billed on the system. It includes amounts paid to Subcontractors. Use this report to reconcile the amounts recorded in the system with the values exported to your accounting system. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Title Companies and Owners can also generate this report. Contact your Textura representative for more information.

Subcontractor Retention Report

Shows a list of Subcontractor retention and billing from selected projects and periods. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Subcontracts with Vendor Information

Main Contractors can use this report to view a list of all Subcontracts associated with a project. It includes vendor information for each subcontract.

TPA Cashflow Report

Can be used by the Funder to forecast the necessary cash flow for a Textura Payment Accelerator (TPA) programme.

TPA Declined Enrollment Report

Provides a listing of eligible Subcontractors who chose not to participate in the Textura Payment Accelerator (TPA) programme on the Oracle Textura Payment Management™ system (TPM®).

TPA Funder Response Report

Provides a list of all Payment Applications and their relevant data which have been sent to the funder for decisioning (Fundable, Accepted, and Declined) on TPM.

TPA Funding Reconciliation Report

Can be used by the Funder to balance the account used for funding on TPM. It can also be used by Textura Administrators to confirm the correct Payment Applications were marked as funded via the Textura Payment Accelerator (TPA) programme.

TPA Maturity Aging Report

Provides a list of all payment applications previously funded by the Funder on TPM. It shows when payments mature and when they will be recouped from the Main Contractor.

TPA Maturity Reconciliation Report

Provides details about funds that have been removed from a Main Contractor's account to cover previously funded Payment Applications on TPM.

TPA Payment Application Audit Report

Shows the details of each payment application enrolled in the Textura Payment Accelerator (TPA) programme. It captures the reason a payment application was moved out of the TPA.

TPA Revenue Report

Provides the details of funded payment applications including processing dates, Textura Payment Accelerator (TPA) programme related fees, and the revenue amounts split between programme partners on the system.

Unapproved Payment Application Report

Shows all Payment Applications that have not been approved for an organisation. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Owners can also generate this report. Contact your Textura representative for more information.

Unifier Payment Application Report

Use this report to export payment application detail at a subcontractor Work Breakdown level into a file that can be imported into Unifier as a Pay Application. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

User Role Report

Shows a list of users and the roles within an organisation on TPM. The following users can generate this report: Enterprise Administrators and Local Administrators.

Variation Log Report

Shows all variations by contract on Oracle Textura Payment Management. Title Companies and Owners can also generate this report. Contact your Oracle representative for more information.

Variation Mapping Report

Shows a list of imported subcontract variations and their mapping status on the Oracle Textura Payment Management.

VAT Domestic Reverse Charge Detail

Shows the VAT amount that Main Contractors need to remit for all Subcontractors who are eligible for VAT domestic reverse charge.

VAT Invoice Status Report

Shows Subcontractor and Sub-Tier VAT Invoice information on the system. You can choose the project or period number to include in this report. Owners and Title Companies can also generate this report. Contact your Textura Representative for more information.

Vendor Contact Support

Use the Vendor Contact Report to see the contact information of every vendor working on a selected project in TPM. You can also generate this report so it shows all vendor contact information across all of your projects. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Key Output Fields: TPM Organisation ID, Organisation Name, Address, City, State/Provence, Postal Code, First Name, Last Namer, Email, Phone.

View Uploaded Files Report

Shows all Payment Application attachments for the selected projects on TPM. The following users can generate this report: All Enterprise Administrators, Local Administrators, and Regular Users with Manage Classified Attachments permissions assigned to the project.

Work Breakdown and MC Line Codes

The Work Breakdown with MC Line Codes Report shows a Subcontractor's latest work breakdown regardless of whether they are in a payment application period or not. It includes all payment application, breakout, and handling codes. The following users can access this report: All Enterprise Administrators, All Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.