Vendor CIS Information Column Overview

Vendor ID

A unique number that identifies the Subcontractor in your accounting package or TPM.


The name of the organisation with available Vendor CIS information. Each organisation name displays in its own row in the table.


The Unique Taxpayer Reference number for the listed organisation.


A value-added tax identification number used to identify the organisation.

Tax Status

A status given to the listed organisation to describe its tax standing. There are four possible statuses to assign: Not Provided, Gross, Standard, and Unregistered.

Verification Reference No.

The reference number of the presented CIS information for the listed organisation. Together with the date verified, this shows verifies the Subcontractor is registered. This is a ten-digit number beginning with the letter 'V.'

Date Verified

The date the Subcontractor organisation's CIS information was registered with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

Last Change By

The name of the user who last changed CIS information for the listed organisation.

Date of Last Change

The date the user last made changes to the CIS information for an organisation.