Working with the Work Breakdown Page as a Subcontractor

Enter your project's budget on the Edit WB tab of the Enter Work Breakdown (WB) page.

Only users with the Project Manager role can edit a WB.

  1. Save Changes Button: Save changes you made on the page. When you select the Save Changes button, you will see a Status page, confirming changes were saved.
  2. Revert to Saved Button: Discards changes and returns the WB to the last saved version
  3. Period Context: Shows a message defining when the changes impact the project.
  4. Filter Components: Choose to view:
    • All: Displays all components
    • No Variatoins: Displays only non-variation components
    • Only Variatoins: Displays only variation components

      Note: Variation components will display as collapsed tables when WBs have more than ten components.

  5. Contract Description: Acts as a label for the WB table.
  6. Edit WB Tab: Use this tab to modify values for the line item.
  7. Edit Contract Tab: View and access subcontracts associated with the project, associate tax rates to a line, and change Self Performed status.
  8. Edit Billings Tab: View and edit billed to date amounts.
  9. WB Table: Contract components appear as individual line items. A Main Contractor's line item becomes a contract component in a subcontract. The name of the table matches the name of the component in the Main Contractor's Work Breakdown.

    Out of Balance components display with a red outline and always load in an expanded view.

    Use the available buttons to manage your project budget.

    • Add New Line: Adds a new line to the WB table. Your cursor will be in the new line. The active line displays in yellow.
    • Copy Selected: Adds a copy of the active line immediately below the original.
    • Delete Selected: Deletes the active line.
    • Browse: Displays a dialogue box to select a file from your device.
    • Upload New from CSV Button: Upload a file selected from your device into the WB table.
    • Download Example CSV File Link: Download a sample Excel file to your device to use as a template if you plan to upload a CSV file to use as your WB.