About Modifying the Work Breakdown for Subcontractors

Enter the budget for a project on the system in the Work Breakdown (WB). The WB can include line items showing the work breakdown. Only users with a project manager role and manage project permissions can edit a WB.

As a Subcontractor, you have the following budget management options available after you confirm the contract:

Modify WB Amounts

Modify the budget without a variation if the total value of the contract is not changing. The sum of the line items must equal the total contract value.

When first setting up a budget, the Working Totals may display in red. Once the Work Breakdown Amount matches the Totals amount, and the WB is saved, the red should disappear.

Why Modify a Budget Without Changing the Contract Value?

Modify WB amounts to:

See Edit WB Tab Overview for Subcontractors for instructions.


Create Subcontract Variations (SVs) to change the contract value of an existing Sub-Tier subcontract.

Allocate Prime Contract Variations (PCVs) created by the Main Contractor.

See Allocate Variatoins for Subcontractors for instructions.