Uploading a New WB from a CSV File for Subcontractors

You can upload your Work Breakdown (WB) as a CSV file. Consider uploading your WB if you already have it saved in Excel or it has several lines.

When formatting a CSV:

To upload a new Work Breakdown on the Edit Work Breakdown page:

  1. Navigate to the Edit Work Breakdown Page
  2. Select the Download Example CSV File link to save a properly formatted template.
  3. Use the sample CSV file as a formatting guide. Either enter budget details directly into the sample file, or modify an existing Excel spreadsheet to match the format of the sample file.

    The first row of the spreadsheet shows the heading for each field. Each subsequent row must include values for the following columns:

    • Column A (Phase Code/Item Code): A number used to sort line items in a WB.

      When you download the file, your item codes will automatically populate the first column.

    • Column B (Phase Code/Item Code Description): Text describing the work or expense for the line item. The character limit is 80 characters.
    • Column C (Budget Amount): The amount of money budgeted for the line item.
    • Column D (Billing Adjustment): An amount entered to account for previous, off-system billings for the line item.
    • Column E (Retention Adjustment): An amount entered to account for retention held from previous, off-system billings for the line item.

    Projects with special budgets should also include:

    • Column F (Special Budget Amount): An alternative budget tracked on the system.
    • Column G (Special Budget Changes): Changes made to the alternative budget.

    Projects with unit billing may also include:

    • Column H (Unit of Measure): The way quantities are measured.
    • Column I (Unit Price): The cost of each unit.
    • Column J (Unit Quantity): The amount of units budgeted for the line item.

      Note:  Columns H through J only display if a project uses the Display Units project setting.

  4. Save the file to your computer.
  5. On the Edit Work Breakdown page, select Browse…

    A File Upload dialogue box appears.

  6. In the dialogue box, choose your budget CSV file.

    The file name displays next to the Upload New from CSV button.

  7. Select Upload New from CSV.

    The spreadsheet lines should display in the Edit WB tab.

  8. Verify the totals are correct and the WB is in balance.

    If your WB is out of balance, check the amounts you entered. Contact Oracle Support if you need help balancing your WB.

  9. Select the Save Changes button when the WB is complete and your totals are accurate.

    Note: The Working Totals should match the Totals.

    Status page confirms the changes have been saved.