Approving and Allocating a Requested Variation to an Existing Line

Note: Only Enterprise Administrators can allocate requested variations. Subcontractor variations awaiting review show as Submitted in the Status column of the table on the Variations Register tab.

To assign a Subcontractor's requested variation to a new line in their Work Breakdown (WB) from the Variations page:

  1. From either the Project Home or Tasks page, select the Review Variation link.

    The Review Variations tab of the Variations page displays.

  2. From the Actions column of the Variations Table, select the Review button.

    A panel opens on the right side of the page. The name and number of the requested variation displays at the top of the panel. Additional variation information displays beneath the name and number. These fields are not editable.

  3. From under the What type of component would you like to assign? section, select Existing Component.

    Additional, editable fields display in the panel.

  4. From the drop-down list, select a component. This is the component from which you will add or remove the requested variation.
  5. Enter an Approval Amount. This value does not need to match the requested value.
  6. Optional. Add a Private Comment. Users in your organisation with access to both the project and the Variation Register will see this comment in the Variation Register Table. It will not appear in Subcontractor documents.
  7. Select the Approve button.

    The panel displays the Subcontractor's submitted variation request amount and the amount you plan to approve.

  8. Select the Approve button again.
    • The panel box closes.
    • A Success message displays, confirming you have approved the variation.
    • If you only had one variation to approve, TPM returns you to the Variation Register tab. If you have additional variations to approve, you will return to the Review Variations tab.
    • The reviewed variation's status changes to Approved in the Variation Register table.

      Note: If you have additional variations to review, select the Review button in the variation's table line and repeat this process.