Adding Approval Groups

To add approval groups:

  1. Navigate to the Project Approval Rules Page
  2. Choose Add below the Approval Group Rules.

    An Add Approval Group Rule dialogue box appears.

  3. Choose a Name and choose Next.

    A Manage Approvers dialogue box appears. The Approval Group Rule name will appear on the Contract Status page under User Role to indicate why a user is an approver.

  4. Select an approver's name from the Approver 1 drop-down list.


    • The list shows all the Serial Signatory approvers in your organisation.
    • If you start typing a user's name, the auto-complete feature shows names that match.
    • You can add multiple users to approver roles. After selecting your first user, start typing another user's name and matching user names appear.
  5. (Optional) Select Add Approver Level to make a serial rule.

    A new Approver 2 field appears. You can use Add Approver Level to add all the conditional approval levels a project requires.

  6. Select Next when all the appropriate users are added to the appropriate fields.

    A new dialogue box shows a table of subcontracts on the project that uses Serial Signatory approval.

  7. Select the subcontracts to which the rule should apply. Any payment application for selected subcontracts will be routed to the new group for approval.

    Note: A contract can only be assigned to one approval group. If you select a contract that is already assigned to a group, the contract is reassigned to the new group. 

  8. Select Apply when all the appropriate contracts are selected.

    The dialogue box closes and the new group appears in the Approval Group Rules table.

Other Actions:

Use the icon to delete a group