Adding Additional Approval Rules

  1. Navigate to the Project Approval Rules Page
  2. Choose Add below the Additional Approver Rules section.

    An Add Additional Approval Rule dialogue box appears.

  3. Select a rule type in the Type field. The Name field drop-down list is populated with all rules of the selected Type.

    Note: The Type list shows all the condition rules and any Organisation Approval Rules. Contact your Textura implementation team for help creating or managing Organisation Approval Rules.

  4. Select the rule Name. The rule details appear beneath the name field.
  5. Choose a Repeats option:
    • Every Payment Application: Requires approval for every payment application on a subcontract that meets the rule conditions
    • First Payment Application: Requires approvals for the first payment application on a subcontract that meets the rule conditions.
  6. Select Apply when all the appropriate rule settings appear in the appropriate fields.

    A Manage Approvers dialog box appears.

  7. Select an Approver's name from the Approver 1 drop-down list.
  8. (Optional) Select Add Approver Level to make a serial rule.

    A new Approver 2 field appears. You can use Add Approver Level to add all the conditional approval levels a project requires.

  9. Select Next when all the appropriate users are added to the appropriate fields.

    A new Apply Rule to Contracts dialog box appears.

  10. Select either:
    • Apply to all Serial Signatory Approval contracts on the project: Any payment application that meets the conditions requires the additional Approver
    • Apply to specific contracts on the project: A new table of subcontracts on the project that use Serial Signatory Approval appears.
      Select the subcontracts to which the rule should apply. Any payment application for selected subcontracts that meets the conditions requires the additional Approver.
  11. Select Apply when all the appropriate contracts are selected.

    The dialog box closes and the new rule appears in the Additional Approver Rules table.

Other Actions

Use this symbol in Approval Group Rules to delete a group; use it in Additional Approver Rules to delete or re-prioritize a rule.