Report List (I to O)

Manage Period Payments Report

Shows real-time data from the Manage Period Payments page. The data is sorted by project. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Offline Witnessing Report

The Offline Witnessing Report shows information about all documents which were witnessed offline and then uploaded to TPM. Use this report to better track witness compliance across your Subcontractor organisations whenever you have enabled the electronic witness bypass workflow on a project. The following users can access this report: All Enterprise Administrators, All Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Contact your Textura Administrator for more information.

Period Number, Document Type, Status, Date Bypassed, Date Uploaded, Date Approved, Approved By.

Owner Billing with Progress Claim Codes Report

Shows the Main Contractor Work Breakdown (WB) detail on a project. Details are grouped by Progress Claim codes. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Owner Funding Report

The Owner Funding Report shows information about Owner funding on a project. When generating the report, you can only select projects which include Owner funding project settings. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Title Companies and Owners acting as a Head Contractor on a project can also generate this report. Contact your Textura representative for more information.

Key Output Fields: Payment Number, Payment Received Date, Payment Amount, Amount Applied to Progress Claim Contracts, Remaining Payment Balance.