Report List (Q to V)

Quality Surveyor Assessment of the Payment Application

Provides all line item level billing details of subcontractors for a given billing period. The following users can access this report: All Enterprise Administrators, All Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Signing Report

Shows all the documents (signed and unsigned) and submitted for a payment application period, and includes approvals. The following users can generate this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Owners can also generate this report. Contact your Textura representative for more information.

Statutory Declaration Status Report

Shows Subcontractor and Sub-Tier statutory declaration information. You can choose the project or period to include in the report. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Owners and Title Companies can also generate this report. Contact your Textura Representative for more information.

Subcontractor Component Adjustment Report

Captures updates made to components on subcontract contract maintenance page and identifies the user who made the changes. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Subcontractor Component Listing Report

Lists Work Breakdown (WB) components. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Key Output Fields: Payment Application , Payment Application Exported, Date Disbursed, Textura Transaction Number, Vendor ID, and Subcontract.

Subcontract Component Listing Report (Grouped by Subcontractor)

Use the Subcontract Component Listing Report (Grouped by Subcontractor) to compare billing amounts against each component. When comparing billing amounts, you can see if the listed component is a part of the original Work Breakdown or if it was edited through a variation. This report is similar to the Subcontractor Component Listing Report, but the output groups information by subcontract. The following users can access this report: All Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and all Regular Users assigned to a project.

Subcontract Line Item Billing by Period Report

Shows a list of line items that have been billed against for a given period. The following users can access this report: All Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and all Regular Users assigned to a project.

Subcontract Reconciliation Report

A summary of the amount claimed on the system. It includes amounts paid to Subcontractors. Use this report to reconcile the amounts recorded in the system with the values exported to your accounting system. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Contact your Textura representative for more information.

Owners can generate this report if the Main Contractor has enabled the Allow access to subcontractor budget information (Open Book) setting, or if the Owner chooses to run the report on a project they created. Contact your Textura representative for more information.

Key Output Fields: Original Contract, Variations, Revised Contract, Sub Job, Account Code, Claim Number, Gross Claim, Retention Held.

Subcontract Settings Report

Shows a list contracts and their settings from Contract Maintenance. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Sub-Tier Status Report

Lists all suppliers entered on the Record Sub-Tiers page. Sub-Tiers are listed under the Prime Subcontractor for whom they perform work. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Unapproved Payment Application Component Accrual Report

Shows payment application detail at the subcontract component level for unapproved payment applications. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.

Unapproved Payment Application Report

Shows all payment application that have not been approved for an organisation. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Contact your Textura representative for more information.

Variation Log Report

Shows all variations by contract. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project. Contact your Textura representative for more information.

VAT Domestic Reverse Change Detail

Shows payment application detail for Domestic Reverse Charge VAT eligible contracts. The following users can access this report: all Enterprise Administrators, all Local Administrators, and Regular Users assigned to a project.