Creating a Segment for Subcontractors

Use the Segment feature to sort and filter projects. Segments reflect how you manage projects. For example, you may group projects by region or business unit. This feature can help you efficiently sort and track projects on the Home page. Once you Enable Segments, you can assign a Segment on the Project Settings page. The drop-down list shows Segment IDs.

Only Enterprise Administrators can create segments.

To create segments on the My Organization Settings page:

  1. Navigate to the My Organization Settings Page
  2. Under the Organization Information section, select the Enable Segments check box.
    • Once you enable segments, users assigned the Project Manager role on a project may assign the project to a segment.
    • Enterprise and Local Administrators can view and edit segments without enabling segments.
  3. Select the Manage Segments button.

    Manage Segments pane displays.

  4. From the Manage Segments pane, select Add Segment.

    Segment fields display.

  5. In the Segment ID field, enter a name or ID for the new segment.
    • This is the value used to assign a project to a segment.
    • Only use numbers and letters in the Segment ID field. Match the Segment ID format in the system to the format used by your accounting package.
  6. In the Segment Description field, add the segment name, region, or other description.
  7. Select the Save button to save your changes.
    • A Success message displays, confirming you success fully saved a segment.
    • The new segment appears in the Manage Segments pane.
  8. (Optional) Complete steps 4-7 to add additional segments.
  9. Select Close to close the pane.