Enterprise Wide Disbursement

The system allows organizations to manage disbursements across multiple projects from a single page.

Note: Only users with the Disburse Enterprise Wide Funds permission can select and disburse payments from the Enterprise Wide Disbursement page. Other users can view and filter the page only.

If an organization has an Enterprise Wide Disburser and at least one disbursable payment, an Enterprise Wide Disbursement link displays on the TPM Home page. The link shows the number of disbursable payments. The link will not display until at least one payment can be disbursed.

Users with Disburse Enterprise Wide Funds permission see and disburse payments across an organization. An Enterprise Wide Disburser does not need to be assigned to each project. Project Managers, Compliance Managers, Signers, Authorizers, and Disbursers have view-only access to the Enterprise Wide Disbursement page. These users will only see disbursable payments for projects on which they have a role.