Adding Project Participants

The Owner Project Participants page is displayed after you have added and saved a project.

To add Above the Line (ATL) project participants:

  1. Navigate to the Owner Project Participants Page
  2. From the Owner Project Participants page, complete the required fields marked with a red asterisks.
    • Title Company section: Optional. Choose Select Company, and from the Browse Organizations page, select a title company.
    • Project Owner section: To add an on-system owner, choose Select Owner, and from the Browse Organizations page, select a project owner company. If an on-system Owner created the project, the Project Owner section will already include Owner information. you cannot edit this data. To add off-system owner, Enter the Owner Name and address information.

      Note: An off-system Owner's information displays on the payment application, but the Owner does not have an active role on the system.

    • Project Architect section: Optional. Choose Select Architect for on-system architect. From the Browse Organizations page, select an architect. For off system architects, enter the architect name and address.
    • Supervisory Organization section: Optional. Choose Add Supervisory Organization, and from the Browse Organizations page, select an organization.
  3. Select Update Project.

    If you are setting up a project, the Project Settings page appears.

    If you are editing the Owner's participants, a Status page confirms the changes have been saved.
