Assigning Component Types

To assign a component type:

  1. Select the Components tab.
  2. From the drop-down menu in the Component Type column, select an option.

    Subcontractor billing is limited by the component type chosen.

    • Standard: The component can be used to bill for any stored materials or work completed. This is the default component type.
    • Work: The component can only be used to bill for work completed (labor)
    • Material: The component can only be used to bill for stored material. If a project includes the Track Stored Material detail project setting, the component can be used to bill for either on-site or off-site material.
    • On-Site Material: The component can only be used to bill for on-site stored material. The project must include the Track Stored Material detail project setting.
    • Off-Site Material: The component can only be used to bill for on-site stored material. The project must include the Track Stored Material detail project setting.
  3. Select the Save Changes button.
    • Status page confirms the contract has been saved.
    • When the Subcontractor enters an invoice for the next draw, the retention is automatically calculated.