Initiating a Draw

To initiate a draw process:

  1. Navigate to the Initiate Draw Page
  2. From the Initiate Draw page, if required, modify the draw number. This option is available only for the first draw, subsequent draws are numbered sequentially.
  3. (Optional) Enter the draw name. The Draw Name displays alongside the Draw Number on customized documents.
  4. Enter the Period From, Period To, and the Draw Due date either manually by entering a date or choose the Calendar icon to select a date from a calendar dialog box.

    Note:  Both Period From and Period To dates appear on pay application documents.

  5. Choose to filter participants by Organization Details or Contract Details. For detailed instructions on filtering, see topic Filtering Participants.
  6. From the Participate in Draw? column, invite participants to the draw by either selecting individual check boxes to invite specific Subcontractors, or select the Select All to invite all displayed participants.
  7. From the Invoice Option column header, choose an invoice option to apply to all selected participants. Use the drop-down in an organization's row to choose an invoice option for a single participant.
  8. In the Lock Invoice column, choose Select All to lock all invoices for a draw, or select a check box in an organization's row to lock an individual invoice.
  9. Optional. Enter a value in the Retention % column header to adjust the retention held for all participants in the current draw, or enter a value in an organization's line to affect a single subcontract.

    If the draw allows retention billing, entering a lower percentage will also request previously held retention equal to the difference between the old and new value. This may pre-populate amounts in the Request Previously Held column of the Subcontractor's invoice.

  10. Optional. In the Retention Lock column, choose the Select All check box to lock retention for all invited Subcontractors. Choose a check box in an organization's row to lock retention on a single contract.
  11. Select Save and Notify Selected Participants.

    A Status page confirms the draw initiation is in progress and selected participants will be notified.

    Choose the here link to navigate to see the draw initiation status on the Manage Draw Participants page.

    Until the draw initiation process concludes, a Draw Initiation in Progress link displays on the Draw Home Page and the Project Home Page.
