Updating Document Compliance Status from the Edit Document Status Page

To update document compliance status from the Edit Document Status page:

  1. Navigate to the Edit Document Status Page
  2. From the Projects drop-down menu, select a project.

    The drop-down includes all of the projects to which you have access.

  3. From the Contract drop-down menu, select an available subcontract.
  4. (Optional) In the Due on Site field, manually enter a date, or use the calendar dialog box to select the date a Subcontractor must give you a document outside of the application.

    Note: If a Prime Subcontractor works on a project earlier than a Sub-Tier, make sure you enter a Due on Site date for the Sub-Tier. Otherwise, documents will be expected from the Sub-Tier. As a result, a payment hold may be applied to the Prime Subcontractor.

  5. Select a tab to choose a document type. Standard documents all display on one tab. Each individual Periodic and Conditional requirement displays on a separate tab.
  6. From the Status drop-down in the Status column for a document, choose a status:
    • Not Received: If the document is not submitted by the due date, the consequence for the Subcontractor will be enforced
    • Received: The Subcontractor is compliant
    • Not Tracking: The document is not required, the Subcontractor is considered compliant, and no more documents are expected
    • Not Applicable (Periodic and Conditional Requirements only): The document is not required for this draw or a scheduled period
    • Final (Periodic Requirements only): The Subcontractor is compliant, and no more documents are expected for this requirement.

      A Periodic document marked Final will begin tracking again if a Subcontractor is included in another draw.

  7. (Optional) In the ID Number field, enter a name or number to identify the document.

    This feature may be employed when an accounting interface is used with the system, and the format may be dictated by your accounting package.

  8. (Optional) If required, select or update an expiration date.

    If a document expires, the Subcontractor is non-compliant based on the Expiration Tracking setting.

    • The Track Expiration Against Period To Date option holds draw payments when the Period To Date is after the document expires.

      Note: Payments for draws with Period To Dates before the document expiration will not be held.

    • The Track Expiration Against Current Date option holds all payments as soon as a document expires.
  9. (Optional) In the Comments field, enter text. Your comment will display on the Subcontractor's Edit Document Status page.
  10. (Optional) Select the Cancel button to cancel your changes.
  11. (Optional) Select the Update button to update your changes.

    The page refreshes, and the updated status appears in the table.

  12. Select the Save Changes button.

    A Status page displays, confirming the legal documents have been updated.