Authorize Payments Fields

Draw Comment

Comments associated with the selected draw. You can also edit this comment from either the Edit Payment Status, Authorize Payments, Manage Payments, or Owner Funding Entry page.

Contract Comment

Comments associated with the contract. You can edit this comment from the Authorize Payments and Manage Payments (You may have to enable this column to view it.) page. The comments added or updated on this page are also reflected in the Edit Payment Status, Contract Maintenance, and Owner Funding Entry pages.

Payment Method

The type of payment the Subcontractor receives:

% Complete

Displays the % complete for the subcontract against the selected draw.

Approved Invoice Amount

The total amount invoiced by the Subcontractor for the draw.

Payment Amount

The amount that can be authorized for disbursement.

Available to Pay

The Approved Invoice Amount minus any partial payments. This amount also includes payments that have been authorized but not yet disbursed.


The amount disbursed for this payment.

Pending Authorization

The amount needing authorization.

On Hold

If an amount shows in this column, the Subcontractor payment is on hold. This amount should match the Payment Amount column.

Final Invoice

A checkmark is displayed if the invoice is for the remaining balance of the contract amount. Use this field to track invoices that bill the remaining balance on the contract.