Fund Subcontractor Invoices Fields

Select Draw to Fund Table Columns

Fund Remaining check box

Select the check box to apply the entire owner funded payment to a draw.


The draw number for draws that are not completely funded.


The name of the draw you added when you initiated the draw.

Period From

The starting date for the billing period.

Period To

The bill-through date for all invoiced amounts in the draw.

Net Approved

The amount of the draw that has been approved.

Already Funded

The amount of the draw that has been funded by other payments.

Funded by This Payment

An amount that is applied to the draw by this payment.

Awaiting Payment

The Total Net Approved less any funds applied to the draw.

Fund Draw Invoices Table Columns

In addition to the columns available in the Select Draw to Fund table, the Fund Draw Invoices table includes the following additions.


The name of the organization whose invoice you will fund with the Owner payment.

Subcontract No.

The number of the Subcontractor organization whose invoice you will fund with the Owner payment.

Payment Method

The means by which the Subcontractor organization will receive payment. Examples include ACH or check.

AR Invoice No.

A unique number assigned to the invoice by the accounting system.

Vendor ID

A number assigned in an accounting package to identify the Subcontractor.

Owner Comment

The comment you added when you added a payment on the Owner Funding List page.