Entering Owner Funding

To add an Owner payment and apply it to a draw:

  1. Navigate to the Owner Funding List Page
  2. From the Owner Funding List page, select the +Add button.

    An Add Payment pane opens on the side of the page.

  3. In the pane, select a project from the drop-down list.

    If accessing the Owner Funding List from a project, the project field will be prepopulated with the project name.

  4. Enter the required fields under the Payment Information section.

    See the Owner Funding List Fields topic for field descriptions.

  5. Optional. Select the Notify Project Team check box to send a Disbursement Notification to all users assigned the Project Manager, Compliance Manager, Authorizer, or Disburser user role on the project. 

    See Sending a Disbursement Notification for the steps to send a notification and how this functionality works on the Manage Draw Payments and Authorize Payment pages.

  6. After completing the required fields, select the Add button at the bottom of the pane.

    The pane closes and the application opens the Fund Subcontractor Invoices page. The entered payment amount appears on the page along with draws you can select for the payment.

  7. From the Fund Subcontractor Invoices page, select an available draw from the Select Draw to Fund table.

    A list of all participant invoices available to receive funds in the selected draw appear in a Fund Draw Invoices table.

  8. From the Fund Draw Invoices table, either:
    • Select the Fund Remaining check box to apply the entire payment amount to the selected invoice.
    • Enter a payment amount in the Funded by this Payment column to apply a partial amount of the Owner check to the selected invoice. When you enter an amount in this field, the Funded by this Payment field column in the Select Draw to Fund table updates.
  9. Select the Save button.
    • The application returns to the Owner Funding List page.
    • The Owner Funding List page shows how much of the Owner payments you applied to Subcontractor invoices and the balance of each payment.